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Online Books

Page history last edited by Terry Doherty 13 years, 7 months ago

There are a number of sources that offer books on your computer. Some of these are downloadable eBooks, audio books, or podcasts. Some are books you need to read on  your computer.


See also Audio and eBook Resources, and Online Fun and Games


Baldwin Online Children's Project - This amazing resource provides one of the best classic book collections that can be found online. Many of the books include illustrations and can be read on the web using a customizable reader.


Big Universe - This award-winning site is devoted entirely to children's books. Kids can read free books online, create and print their own books, and share reading recommendations with other Big Universe members.


ByGosh.com - ByGosh.com provides a modest collection of illustrated classics for younger children (Three Little Pigs, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, etc.) and classic novels (Huckleberry Finn, Peter Pan, etc.) for older children.


Children's Books Online - This volunteer-driven project provides a large online library of illustrated antique books for children of all ages. New books are added to the site each week.


Classic Book Library - The Classic Book Library offers a wide range of free classic books that can be read online. More than 30 free books are available in the children's literature category.


Classic Reader - Classic Reader provides hundreds of the best-loved classics for young readers. All of the books can be read for free online and may be reviewed after reading.


Hans Christian Andersen Online - This site features a complete collection of stories from Hans Christian Andersen--nearly 170 stories in all.


International Children's Digital Library - The ICDL hosts many different reading resources for children, including a wide range of illustrated books that can be read for free online. Books are easy to locate using the ICDL search features and are often available in multiple languages.


Learn Direct - At this site, there are two books to read, interact with and make changes to, The Journey to Darkest Somewhere, and The House of Scary Words. The site prompts kids to make changes to the text if they wish, and there are activities to complete inside the story such as matching homonyms, and finding small words inside larger ones.


Librivox - Librivox volunteers record books that are in the public domain.


Lil Fingers - Lil Fingers offers a small collection of story books for young children. Books can be read online and include sounds and graphics.


The Literature Network - This is a place children to find free books to read online. The site hosts classic books as well as author biographies and quizzes.


Magic Keys - Magic Keys offers illustrated books for younger children, older children, and young adults. All books can be read for free online.


MrsP.com - Mrs. P reads classic children’s stories that have proven their value through the test of time. The authors whose work is presented on MrsP.com are the finest writers who ever lived. To complement the storytelling experience, Mrs. P commissions both new and established artists to create original artwork for each story. While our website will feature interactive reading and spelling games, a magical library that literally comes alive and visits from some unexpected and sometimes famous guests -- the heart and soul of our content on MrsP.com will always be a gifted storyteller reading great stories enhanced with a few simple illustrations. Mrs. P prefers not to compete with big-budget Hollywood movies, elaborate video games and virtual worlds; she would like to help kids learn to use their imaginations.


Online Books Page - The the site offers more than 35,000 books that can be read for free online. Many of the books are classic stories that would be appropriate for older children and young adults.


PublicLiterature.org - This site offers two features for young booklovers: a modern books blog, which features new works and new authors, and a classic books section, which offers an easy-to-use interface for reading classic books online.


ReadPrint.com - This free online library serves both children and adults. It is an excellent place to find classic novels, poems, plays, and short stories.


RIF's Book Zone has delightful animated stories and songs for young readers.


Signed Stories - Here's a wonderful place to read stories online for those who are hearing-impaired, and those who are not. Kids can practise their reading by listening and following the subtitles, and there's sign language for kids who need it. Each one is a little video, showing the illustration and text for the page, plus the person signing the text for that page, and the audio running concurrently.


Starfall.com - This site offers free books and other material that can be used to teach small children how to read. Most of the books are suited for kids in kindergarten through second grade.


Storyline Online - The Screen Actors Guild Foundation sponsors this site. You will find videos of famous people reading books to children.


Story Fort - Interactive Digital Books (review @ Literacy Launchpad - April 2009)





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