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Multi-media Literacy

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Saved by Terry Doherty
on September 4, 2009 at 9:45:38 am

Some site cross all kinds of boundaries, mixing text, illustrations or graphics, and motion content. They also offer tools and ideas that go beyond language arts to incorporate literacy and learning across other disciplines. Rather than try to parse it by one medium, we've created a page all their own!


25 Free Apps and Websites for Tech-Loving Teachers


1001 Fonts - A site that allows you to download fonts (a lot are free). Adding new, fun, or silly fonts can be a great way to engage kids in writing.


Cool Tools for Schools - This comprehensive collection of Web 2.0 tools for classrooms offers lists of tools for any type of classroom work, from research, collaboration, mapping, and polling to music, audio, and presentation tools.


Create a Graph - Very simple, kid-friendly tool for creating graphs and charts. 


Filamentality - This site, sponsored by AT&T, allows you to create webquests, hotlists (like Track Star below), scavenger hunts, and more.  Every time you create a new one, though, you need to make up a new user name and password.  No one knows why it's set up this way.  And I think this is the one where you have to touch it within a calendar year or it will disappear. Here is a sample: http://www.kn.att.com/wired/fil/pages/webdavinciba.html


Jing - A free download that allows you to capture and create screencasts.  So you can create a demo of a tool with your voice and with your computer and then post it as a video-type thing. Here's a link to my sample: http://www.screencast.com/t/e6jpQbbdW2


Keep Vid -This free converter site allows you to convert something like a You Tube video into a format that you can embed in other programs such as Powerpoint.


Notefish -This is a free web tool that allows you to create and save research notes from the web.  So for example, if you're taking a trip and you're checking out travel sites, tourist sites, flight info, etc, you can save links, pictures and text all on one Notefish sheet.  There's a download bar that integrates it more into your system.


PDF On-line - This free PDF converter makes it handy to convert your Word or Pages files into PDFs.  It's easy to convert on the Mac because it's built in, but on PC's it's not as easy.


Rollyo - This is a website compiler. You can create an account and then roll your own search engines.  This one does have ads to it, so you have to be a little more careful.  Basically you can put together up to 25 websites and give it a search engine label.  Then when you conduct a search under that search roll, your keyword search is only going to those sites.  For example, I love to bake, so I made one with all my favorite baking sites.  Instead of having to check each one individually for a certain search, I can search them all at once.  Again, you can also look up other people's search rolls.


Rubistar - This site for teachers is filled with free tools to build scaled rubrics for assignments.


Starfall - This site offers lots of free content, from coloring pages to drawing, and more. There are "low cost" tools available, but there is plenty that you can just download at no cost, too.


Teacher Tube - Most school districts here block a portion of the web including You Tube.  Teacher Tube is an alternative.  You can find a lot of education screencasts and videos for educational use.


Track Star -You can compile a list of quality, chosen websites into a "track."  This shrinks the web when you're having students/kids researching on-line so that they aren't just going to Google and getting all those irrelevant or indecent or junk hits.  You are also able to search other people's tracks so that you don't have to re-do the work.  The sites are checked for decency, although not necessarily quality.


Zoomerang -Use this free tool to create on-line surveys.


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