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Our Literacy & Reading Wiki


Welcome to our Wiki of literacy and reading resources.  We are a resource for parents, teachers, librarians ... virtually anyone who is interested in reading with kids and helping them grow into independent, successful people. We don't expect every child to become a bookworm, but we do want them to be confident readers. Reading is a skill that touches every facet of our lives and it is something that we need to know how to do.


What is literacy? 


We often equate literacy and reading. In reality, literacy is more than just deciphering symbol combinations on a page or screen. That's why we created a page JUST to answer this question: What is literacy? Once you've read the definition, it will help you understand how we structured our Wiki. Each of our folders is built around one of the dimensions of literacy. Within each folder, you'll find pages that have more specific, focused content. Here is an annotated index of our content.


Booklists & Reading Ideas  -  Within this folder you'll find lists and suggestions. The pages are filled with links to reading ideas, articles with tips for raising readers, book club ideas, and booklists of every sort: audio and e-books, booklists organized by audience or built around a theme, and even lists that answer the question "If you liked X, then you might like ..."  (also known as read alikes)


Creative Literacy - Learning to read isn't always about deciphering the letter combinations on a page. Playing games, singing songs, and drawing all contribute to literacy. Writing is an important complement, too. Within this section of the wiki you'll find ideas and

tools for engaging children in activities that are fun ... and also benefit literacy. 


Literacy in Your Community - The best - and most popular - place to start engaging with stories and books is at your local library. Check out these videos about libraries. In addition to offering books, librarians can suggest fun activities you might try at home (like a book slumber party). If you're looking for ways to actively help readers in need, volunteer opportunities are available in every community by working with a literacy organization. In most cases, no special experience is needed ... and if it is, they'll give you the training.  Within this list you'll also find places to donate books.


Tips and Ideas for Promoting Reading - This is probably the biggest section of the wiki! Within this folder you'll find everything from articles with tips for raising readers and books for adults about raising readers to suggestions (and videos) for reading with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. There are also collections of ideas with literacy links for educators and literacy links for parents. As you'll see with many of our links, our goal is to go beyond sitting with a book ... we are collecting lists of authors and illustrators who maintain websites and blogs, links to places where you can learn about author and illustrator visits, even resources to read or hear author and illustrator interviews. If there are activities related to a book or book series, you'll find them on our Online Fun and Games page.


This wiki is also the home of resources related to or mentioned in Share a Story-Shape a Future, an annual literacy blog tour that first launched in 2009. The goal of the Share a Story event is to promote reading and literacy by engaging the online community to spend a week sharing practical ideas and tips for engaging kids as readers. One of the things that made the first event so valuable and exciting was that we collected and organized tons of ideas related to reading with kids. For the 2009 event we created a Literacy Resources Kit and a Giant Book of Lists. Both of these items are magazine-style products that can be printed and carried with you.


One of the lessons learned with our 2009 event is that there is so much information, and it changes so frequently, that we can't rely on a website, a blogroll, or even an annual magazine to fit it all in. That's why we created this Wiki. Here you will find information organized, cross-referenced, and digestible in ways that aren't possible in a blog. The information here is timeless ... so even if you didn't know about a particular list or ideas back in 2008 when it was written, you can still benefit from it today.


As we mentioned at the beginning ... this is a dynamic process. There are always new resources and tools coming online. If we're missing something - or if one of our links doesn't work - please let us know. 


Happy reading.







dvd quality download of a nightmare on elm street



Check Out Another Wiki! I figured that since I help keep this wiki "safe" it'd be okay to link to mine.

Comments (9)

Terry Doherty said

at 9:58 am on Aug 10, 2009

Ladies - Do you think we need a page that explains what the awards are? Or is there one REALLY GOOD link we can send people to?

Susan Stephenson said

at 3:45 pm on Aug 19, 2009

What awards, Terry? Are they international, US, internet?

Susan Stephenson said

at 7:04 pm on Aug 20, 2009

I made some suggestions above and changed don't to doesn't in last sentence. I think this is shaping up really well. I know how boring it must be, but it will give an overview, and i just like how it is coming along!

Terry Doherty said

at 9:53 am on Aug 21, 2009

Susan - PLEASE feel free to change! I need an editor ...

Terry Doherty said

at 9:55 am on Aug 21, 2009

I was thinking English-speaking. I added the Database of Award-Winning Books ... I had thought maybe we'd have a place where people could learn about children's literature awards, because award-winning books (think kids choice, not critical acclaim) is a good place to start for parents who don't know how to pick out books.

Terry Doherty said

at 9:56 am on Aug 21, 2009

Meaning international ... also, do you think we're being redundant with Articles with tips and literacy links for parents?

Susan Stephenson said

at 5:36 am on Aug 22, 2009

Do you mean this bit? " literacy links for educators and literacy links for parents."? Not sure exactly what you're referring to.

Terry Doherty said

at 12:00 pm on Aug 22, 2009

Yep, those are the ones. Literacy links for Educators page I think works, because that's a distinct audience. But I'm not sure of overlap (or not) or redundancy (or not) with the articles with tips page.

Susan Stephenson said

at 7:00 pm on Aug 22, 2009

You know what, I think average people (ie parents as opposed to bookbloggers) will come to the page fast, skim, and go straight to the link that strikes a chord for them. I don't think a little overlap/redundancy matters. If someone goes to both pages, and finds some links twice, so what? The main thing is to categorize to help people navigate to what interests them. (I believe). And the other main thing is to help you sort the stuff so you can work out where it goes of course.

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