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Author and Illustrator Interviews

Page history last edited by Terry Doherty 13 years, 4 months ago

Here are some comprehensive sources with lists of interviews with children's authors, from picture books to young adult. See also Authors and Illustrators Online


Collections of Videos and Interviews


Adolescent Literacy (Adlit.org) Meet the Author video collection


Kidlit Interviews Wiki - The Kidlitosphere (blogs and podcasts about Children's Literature and Literacy) is filled with interviews of children's literature creators and children's literacy promoters. This site will take you to interviews with creators of children's books and promoters of literacy from all over the kidlitosphere. Just click on a category and go!


National Public radio (NPR) Podcasts NPR provides podcasts of author interviews, book reviews, and other goodies.


Reading Rockets Check out this link to a multitude of video interviews with renowned children’s authors and illustrators.  The list includes Bill Martin, Jr., Judy Blume, Marc Brown, Christopher Paul Curtis, and Mary Pope Osborne to name a few!


Read, Write, Think - The Read, Write, Think website includes Emily Manning's podcast "Chatting with Books." You can subscribe to it through I-tunes.  She chats with kids, parents, and teachers about the best in children’s literature for ages 4-11. In each podcast, she typically interviews a popular author as well.  I’ve found many new books for my kids (and myself) through this podcast series.



Index (sorted alphabetically)


Carle, Eric on his collaboration with Bill Martin, Jr. - YouTube video

Martin, Jr., Bill Eric Carle talks about how Bill Martin created his books - YouTube video

Stead, Erin talking about her illustrations for Caldecott-winning book A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Phillip Stead

Silverstein, Shel on the Johnny Cash Show - YouTube video

Wiseman, Rosalind on her book Boys, Girls, and other Hazardous Materials - YouTube video


Zusak, Marcus on YouTube

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